Gait Analysis & Running Consultations Southampton

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An in depth analysis of your walking and running gait including muscle length and strength testing with an electronic report of findings.

Sprint and Running training consultation – breakdown of your current training plan, discuss goals and aims, recommendations for your training plan, technical analysis of video footage from your training sessions.

Conducted by Charlie Craddock, this service is ideal for athletes, keen walkers, and for people who feel their running/walking style may need assessing as a potential cause for dysfunction further up the chain.

  • Athletic development
  • Foot Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Recurrent Injuries
  • Bunion Formation
  • Low Back/Hip Pain on Activity
  • Footwear Suitability Analysis
  • Long Distance Runners
  • Achilles Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Shin Splits
  • Sprint Analysis
  • Gait Assessment

Gait Analysis

Initial consultation 60 minutes + 30 minutes to write up your bespoke report of the session:

Medical + Injury history 
Static postural assessment
Muscle length testing 
Muscle strength testing Walking assessment 
Running assessment 
Formatted report containing findings from assessments and recommendations for training.
Follow up 60 minutes 6-8 weeks after first appointment:
Static postural reassessment
Muscle length retesting 
Muscle strength retesting 
Walking reassessment 
Running reassessment 
Finalized formatted report containing findings from reassessments and any further recommendations for training.



Sprint training / Running Training Consultation – 30 minutes:


Breakdown of current training schedule and programme

Aims and Goals wanting to be achieved from training (are these performance related, or injury related or health related)
Looking to increase your performance?
Keep getting niggles?
Want to start speed training and you are unsure how or where to start?
Recommendations for changes i.e. themes of sessions, drills, exercises, plyometrics, monthly/weekly/daily loadings & volume
Technical analysis of your video footage (provided by the client)


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